Monday, June 17, 2019


the ride with her
was always hidden

so much was forbidden
in their world

but when she smiled
so easily

at the simple pleasures
he gave freely

it lessened the tensions
that surrounded
him daily

as he bravely walked
in darkness

harking back to
knightly ways

hidden swords
cut just as true



  1. a new favorite (to quote Alison Krauss)

    (did you notice 'words' within "swords"?) (more magic?)

    1. no, i hadn't noticed! neat!
      i wonder if i'm getting better because i've been challenged to haiku more often.... i used to recoil at them.... :)

  2. I have a facility for haiku, that unfortunately makes mine seem as facile as limericks. The haiku in English does require searching for the mot juste that also meets the form, but in Japanese, I believe the meter and the tonal lilt is emphasized, allowing the last line to seemingly appear unexpectedly, but with emphasis.

    I think you're a witch.

    (a good witch)(which is quite good)

    . . . . don't cast me away . . . .

    1. i need to dig in, and listen to some japanese haiku. it never occurred to me to try... i do have an affinity for bubbles. thanks. :)
