Wednesday, October 31, 2012


you loved me
before you met me

you enthralled me
before i knew you

and slowly
with baby steps

i lowered the mask
to my heart

scared of being someone
you didn't expect

scared of revealing
too much of my frailties

scared of  being the real me

but i found out
almost too quickly
that you had read between the lines

and found me anyway

how much of me
is that transparent?

how much of me
is the freak i think i am?

how much of me
do you truly adore?

how long will your goodness stay?

i'll never know
the answers
from inside
if i hold onto barriers
on the outside

so here i am

accept me for me

and i will love you
for you

no masks
no games
no questions

just the hope
for something real

in a wilderness of masquerade


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

sketched by light

i let you in
my room

you let me wear
your shirt

i let you listen
to my records

you let me borrow
your dvds

i inspired you
to look beyond
your borders

you showed me
that order
could actually be fun

and as the sun
outlined our kisses
in the morning light

i remembered you
murmuring words
i had written
a thousand times

they would be said
to me

tracing over
my imperfections
with your strong

until i was

one lifetime
sketched by the sun

can it ever happen again?


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


it's never going to be
the way you pictured it

hearts and flowers
don't often dwell
on the same tree

and it's never going to be
the way you want it

sometimes the good
you deserve
is only going to live in
your mind

but if you live your life
and you open your eyes

the things you get
will become
the things you need

and the blessings you find
will become
the hopes you treasure

if you just let go of
the fantasy
and see through
the reality

with your heart


audio version here:

Saturday, October 20, 2012


ever found a quiet place
all to yourself
where you can be yourself
and think things through?

i have

have you ever been
just where you needed to be
and felt like you belonged
to the world
to the sky
to the air everything?

i have

it's a feeling
you would fight
to the death
to feel once more

it's a part of your life
you'd hope to remember
again and again

searching for
where you were
to strengthen
what you are
day after day

holding it
like a talisman
night after night

it was worth the tears
it was worth the fight
to feel reality
for just one night

for just one moment in time......
