Wednesday, November 15, 2023


things seem more sincere
when it's the last time
you're going to do them

loving touches in
routine duties

memorable lines in
rote conversations

makes meaning
in the madness

if i could pause
each time i talk 
to someone today

just to say
thank you thank you thank you
for sharing your health
and energy
and point of view

i would

but talk becomes tedious
when preparing for the end

(and it will be the end of something)

takes the will away

the will that says
thank you thank you thank you 
for these moments 
of usefullness 

however fleeting

and lead me to the grey
gently, please

no longer me but even still free

in the back of my eyes


Saturday, October 14, 2023

who i helped today

a woman who's a bit cantankerous
who came with a wish list of demands
that she'll probably be mad about later
looking at me with a judgemental eye
(probably about my earrings)

a man who wanted help with google ads 
since i worked in the public sector i should be an expert in 
google ads
how dare you type my question in google
oh there's the answer

a child being sent in
by her mother
to pick up a romance novel
with "concubine" in the title
"would you like a plastic bag?"
yes, please, and a unicorn sticker

a man 
carefully walking
his stature still tall
but precarious
his clothes too big
for his thinning frame

he patiently waited
for copies he needed
i tried hard not to act differently
when i found out
it was his last will and testament
written cautiously in brilliant cursive

he received colorful paper clips 
and a special folder
to carry his burdens
and all the attention i could muster
without seeming too weird

much talk about the weather, 
and autumn days
from long ago

where does it all go


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

the blinking cursor

did you happen to wonder
what silences a poet?

physical ailments
complicated entanglements
harsh realities

too many maladies? 

sometimes the world
gets too big

and the voice
becomes too small
against it

and what's within 
it never seems to measure up

deep breaths
long walks
short talks

never seem to help
as much as patient paper

or the blinking cursor

i shall try 
once a month
to dare to feel
how i really am

and understand 
why the end 
seems so near

(no fear)