Monday, December 30, 2019



stumbling on myself
not meant to walk every square
soul in, feet without


diving at all sounds
even when the wounds are deep
over underground


i was once the one
who dared look at everything
now the dark is kind

Saturday, December 28, 2019

the clown

there was a time
i sewed little things

and i made this
beautiful clown

but the pattern
"for decoration only"
because there was
this heavy board
on the inside
acting like the clown's

so you could conceivably
use home decor
as a weapon
if you needed it

the serious
of the wood was hidden
by a dastardly smile

such as he is to me

one thoughtless word
and the air turns to death

no matter what preceded it

the tears of a clown
should be doubted
most times

because he started
the misery


Thursday, December 26, 2019

out of town

you always told me
"look up! look up!"

but the blues 
have brought me

what once was
and promise

is darkness,
shadow, and

my hair hides
the paleness
of my lips

my clothes hide
the emptiness
in my hips

my hat holds
the multitude
of my trips

in sand and smell
and ground

once more i
travel out of

but to what?


Monday, December 23, 2019

doll thoughts

pet the head that knows
all that i can never see
maybe he will teach


unspoken gestures
calm the head of the madman
peace i'll never know


we were once the prized
now we hide in misfit shame
where is our rudolph?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

the present

in the moments when
i hate myself

and i want to
infuriate the world
the same way it
infuriates me

i think of what
you got me

and smile

sometimes a present
wishes someone well

like a love letter
looking for an embrace
by a lonely reader

sometimes a present
gives a person notice

like an exercise bike
waiting for a chance
to slim you down

but sometimes
a present just wants
to live with you

to dangle from
your ear
like a sparkly whisper
from a lover

or to support you
as you're walking

protecting you from
the dangers
of an endless darkness

or to stick somewhere
always to be seen

reminding you of the
dear perfection of a man
that roamed the world
with a beautiful princess, a trolley,
and a tiger with a wristwatch

that always told
the exact time
to care....

(which is always)

sometimes the wealth
of warm love
arrives all at once

warming up
the unused crevices
of a half beaten heart


Monday, December 16, 2019

stripes (that's the fact, jack)


walk between the lines
look out for the space between
float among the clouds


as i regiment
i dwell in the heaven sent
flowers in cement


you gave me the tool
to forget all business times
dreaming on inside

Saturday, December 14, 2019


she gets tired
of being pampered


and proper

she longs to get
her dress dirty

shout loudly
like the boys

even though
she follows

peering across the shadows

she knows
she can't begin
to cross the lines

so clearly drawn
around her

in adamant
assertion against

she'd rather do the time


Monday, December 9, 2019


sometimes all we see
is the part that no one sees
floating in the clouds

she was once a red
caught in an unending tale
now she's endless blue

if i choose to step
into unforgiving shores
will i feel once more

Saturday, December 7, 2019


blind man's bluff
a childhood game
that's fallen
out of favour

you hide your eyes
and spin around
and around

until the earth
touches the sky
and the sea whirls about
in a whirlpool of haze
and confusion

then the voices around you
guide you through
the maze of life

to safety

was this a game
that prepared us
for adulthood?

using only the gps
for clues
we blindly stumble
through our fate
in the darkness

searching for ourselves
along the way

sometimes the dawn
becomes the day


Thursday, December 5, 2019

your house?

it's hard to see
the place where
you live

and yet i often
livened inside the
cabin i think is yours

i hope to be in
your dwelling soon

if only to make
memories of your

and a dreamland
out of your kitchen

and a forest of love
out of your

you understand
the chance i take

pining for a place
that may be
your neighbour's

so let me know
soon where you
actually live

and love

i won't never cause a stalking

but i do hope you like
carols sung at your door

....written by slayer


Monday, December 2, 2019

doll talk


fill my mind with talk
fill my eyes with what you see
fill my heart with hope

one of us is known
as the one who can't be known
fear what he will tell


if we look away
with the stare of empty eyes
then we won't see him