Friday, September 30, 2022


they lock up
the flashlights
because they don't want
you to be bright

whatever comes to light
will be in a backhand email
a stalled highway
and what can't be said
will be felt in the silences
of the hall

nothing more
nothing less


two doctors


everything's done
by the nurse, you see

whatever you look at
is scanned by her

and He comes in, and read
the summations

give no expectations

and ask to see you 
in half year

no fear in his voice
all ordinary

but the objects that
dance in your eyes
are a concern

will they return?
come back and find out!
(the worst t.v. series
to ever be a part of)


Stand up.
Not that way

Push back
Not that way.

Tell me what 
you do in life.

I find that hard to believe.
Where do you work?
Oh, now I see.

What started this off?
Two pails of sand?
Why did you carry them?
I don't understand

You are old, and you think
that you are young.
I see.

(not asking, just telling
it's nothing to me
i've become used to
not being understood
humour is my game
deflection is all good)

Do these exercises.
Here is an app.
Let's meet every week
and see where you're at.

(when did this turn into
a fable by dr seuss?
this doctor is female
and not ever on the loose)

Wait, why are you still hurting?
There's a pail at the house
that you have to carry water in
from kitchen to bathroom?

(the tale of two pails) it a full pail of water? often do you have 
to do this?

(no questions on why, 
no questions on what,
which was merciful.)

Well, try to make more trips
with less water in pail.
Or get someone else to
carry them for you.

Now, here's how to
rest your head as you lay
in the night using rolled
up towel and soft pillow.

This will help you sleep.
This will help with the
persistent headaches.
This will he....oh, the insomnia
and the headaches were before
the pails? 

I see.

Well, do the exercises
and look at the app.
We'll work with what we have
and make your neck better.

I must ask, however,
I know you're masked, 
but is that your worried face
or are you deep in thought?

(or am i crying?
or is it residual "scanxiety"
from battles from long ago?)

Oh, just listening. I see.

See you soon.


Thursday, September 29, 2022

what else is there to say?

what else is there to say?

what more is there
to be

just the thought of
useless syllables
of round and round

wearies me to the bone

can being alone be better
than whatever is to come?

what more can be done?


works for you
or against you

it clarifies the need
for lessons

it prompts you 
to grow 
in some way

it separates 
your soul 
from your spirit

it traps you
until you are just
a voice
that suitably gets
tucked away 

night after night

far away from sense
and reality

can free you
but only as far
as you try

you can kiss 
your sanity goodbye


a mission

No, ma'am
I can't come in
at eight a.m. 
in the morning.

You see
I have a mission 
every morning.

I wake up before dawn
put soft music on
crack egg after egg
side them with toasted bread

and I bring my wife
breakfast in bed 
every morning.

I remember, 
when she was able,
she lived to serve,
setting each table,
sending me off 
with warmth and cinnamon

rivaling the sun

So you see, ma'am.
I'm not available to come
from 7 a.m. til at least
noonday sun.

My mission makes it



you'll see for me
and i'll listen to you

as we vowed 
as we vowed

you'll read the news
on slanted paper
i'll listen close
as you clarify

as we vowed
as we vowed

i can't listen
with my mask on
you can't see
beyond your reality

both of us believing
with the mind of a child

as we vowed
as we vowed

even though
they don't care now


Wednesday, September 28, 2022


when they don't know
why they said what they said

when they don't tell
how they really feel

when they don't ask
if you made it there

when they don't care
to show their face

when they think that
all life is a blog

when the songs in their heart
stills forevermore

when nothing has a point
not even the poetic

when all is hectic
and connections are strained

when all was covered
just waiting to change

when all was discovered
and nothing was changed


you can't make sense
of what you never

you thought you could

make a square peg
fit into a round hole

instead you're hollow
to the core

what is real anymore?
not you, for sure


Monday, September 26, 2022

a promise to myself

i will ask no more

i will lean no more

i will live no more 

every edit will be

every decision will be

every thought will be 

even the unspoken

i won't explain myself

because what was all
the explaining for

when nothing 
was heard or understood


again to the darkness

at first
it was you and me

flowing freely 
down the fareway

you leading
at a graceful distance
and i

so happy to be 
by your side

then suddenly
the guiding way
turned to starkness

so close to the darkness

letting me go
in the middle
of my doom

on and on i'll sail
without connection

the inflection was
always felt
but was ignored

and now my storm

on my own again
but not for long

one breath more
and i'm done



they will warn you
with overreaching words

unspoken silences

and storms that happen 

you can choose to heed
these warnings
with the strength of poetry

your mellow voice

and the sun that's always 
right in your pocket

ready to shine 
for someone else

but never you



Wednesday, September 21, 2022


and she showed him a picture
from way back when

of a couple in a canoe
floating on innocent promises

and he mulled over 
the image
for only a moment

then typed back

"We were younger then" 

and even though this man
of business and style

was surrounded by stress
and a million miles

his quick witted wonder
of a sentence of four words

broke through the turnpike
and up several hills

and blushed a cheek 
of a heart unawares

no stares could see 
what effect he gave

(thank goodness for covid
secret love is saved)
