Saturday, October 14, 2023

who i helped today

a woman who's a bit cantankerous
who came with a wish list of demands
that she'll probably be mad about later
looking at me with a judgemental eye
(probably about my earrings)

a man who wanted help with google ads 
since i worked in the public sector i should be an expert in 
google ads
how dare you type my question in google
oh there's the answer

a child being sent in
by her mother
to pick up a romance novel
with "concubine" in the title
"would you like a plastic bag?"
yes, please, and a unicorn sticker

a man 
carefully walking
his stature still tall
but precarious
his clothes too big
for his thinning frame

he patiently waited
for copies he needed
i tried hard not to act differently
when i found out
it was his last will and testament
written cautiously in brilliant cursive

he received colorful paper clips 
and a special folder
to carry his burdens
and all the attention i could muster
without seeming too weird

much talk about the weather, 
and autumn days
from long ago

where does it all go