Saturday, January 9, 2021

hallowed halls

i walked up and down
stone steps

the sound of my feet echoed
in halls where the forefathers faltered

i lingered behind

smelling the antique odor of faded paint
varnished wood
and leather bound books 

their thoughts waving on each page

i was intimidated by my surroundings
thinking that if i made one false step

one suspicious sound

i would be out of there
quick as a wink
and put in solitary confinement

living out my years thinking
about the wrong i'd done
to my country

just for a sneeze

and yet
for every fear i felt
my heart gave gratitude
for even being there

a half mexican twice removed
sharing in the awe of history

on every wall
on every ceiling
at every step

with every memory
that chose to be



  1. Replies
    1. thank you. i loved being able to go inside. the picture is mine, and i'm glad to have a memory of it.
