Saturday, September 14, 2019


sometimes i feel like
the dead in me
has got to go

the "you can't do it
you shouldn't try it
you don't know it

you never were
good enough

but if i separated
from the naysayer
within me

would i be conceited
would i know no bounds
would i forget others

would i shine in the sun
until i was burned
to a crisp?

to shed from
the bad
is to hurt
all the good
that conquers the darkness

no matter what the pain



  1. Something of the picture or the poem reminded me of this Tori Amos video : "A Sorta Fairytale"

    My response to the poem is perhaps the bad is not inside, but a covering that might be shed like an old snake skin - pain is healthy only as a warning. And sanity is only a state of mind. (That's not criticism; merely reaction)....and if you say 'tis an insane reaction, I won't argue ;)

    1. dafuq was that about? omg. note to self: don't watch 7 videos late at night.

      if sanity is a state of mind, then i wonder what normalcy is...... thanks for your feedback. this poem is close to what i truly's good to know it's well received.

  2. How is mewe going? Or was it mewe? I may find time to get back in the socmed game next year. I have your poetry to read, and that was a favorite part of G+ for me. I don't always post a comment, but I always enjoy your work. BTW I really liked the middle haiku of "caged" - didn't understand the meaning, but felt a deep mystery that I wanted to understand.
    All the best -

    1. mewe's going relatively good. there's not as much feedback alone, but the groups are cool i used to be part of this great one that prompted you to share a song a day, but they ended it, unfortunately.
      thanks about caged.... that one really stirred me up. just the way he held the cage, and looked up at the birds... so much writing could happen there.....
