Thursday, July 18, 2019

message (bottled up)

there are times
i can only communicate
to you

in letters

i don't think it's because
you interrupt

it's more like i interrupt

i don't think it's because
you aren't listening

it's more like i'm sick
of hearing my own words

i hope
whatever floats my boat
will pass through
turbulent waters

to your heart

but i won't be sure
unliess i write it down

with pencil, paper

and bits of my soul

go forth
dear bottle
and grow



  1. Keeping your feelings "corked up"?

  2. Jim Croce could not put time in a bottle; I oft times have difficulty finding my feelings unless I take them out of a bottle. As Jimmy Buffett wrote: "I drink a lot of whiskey/it gives me such a glow/it makes me quite immobile/but it lets my feelings show"

    1. whiskey is an interesting truth serum. i stick with corona, but vodka works, too....
