Monday, March 30, 2020

the whispers

when all that was left
was my whispers

when all i could see
was me

i went down to
the bottom of
where i was

and talked to
the collection
that surrounded me

i told the tales
i remembered

from childhood days
of comfort

i confessed the sins
i recalled

from misspent days
of anger

i cried the thoughts
i received

from endless nights
and empty days

where all i could see
was the faded haze

of what life was
once before

i tore the air
with my utterings

but no one answered
with my name



  1. A most unusual picture - is this one you found, or is it a post prompting? Quite a crew with which to attempt a conversation!

    1. i know, for real! it was a prompt...but it reminds me of a grown up version of newt in "aliens." hoping you are doing well....

  2. I'm well, thank you. Hope you are the same. Are the libraries closed? The redhead in the picture looks as if she could use a gothic-comfort novel to read . . . .

    1. doing all right. it's hard to be on pause. my library is closed, but we are doing more and more online .... it's fun finding new ways to read and listen to things.
