Saturday, February 8, 2020

half dead

i'm a death hag
by design

a researcher
by trade

and a death seeker
by heart

i know when
they died,
how they died,
who they died with,
and can pull up pictures
showing why they died

but why do i pursue 

it's no real comfort
to know these details

to walk the path
to the darkest black
where no one comes back

except as casper

why does my heart
beat faster as i answer
each factual question 
put before me?

and why does every
sunrise lead me to thoughts of
my own demise

over and over again

all i can do is comfort 
when i can
and help 
with all that i am

this is the plan
that will distract me
from the darkness

even if it's just 
for a little while


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