Sunday, September 5, 2021


we use incognito
around here

to cover our tracks

she isn't here
right now

but we can feel her
at every corner

what are you doing,
she asks
as she floats through 
the aisles

what aren't you doing
she reproaches
into the air

but she's not there

we pencil in
our activities
we hover over
the delete key

we don't want to call
and tell anyone 
that we need
desperate help
up in here

so we figure it out
for ourselves

like feral employees 
in some cataclysmic crash
of a career

waiting endlessly
for five o'clock

and freedom


Friday, September 3, 2021

sweet patience

it's a balance 
between doing
what's best for me
and what's best for you

sometimes never
the twain shall meet

and that's ok

because the discipline
of caring for you
carries me through 
the darkness of me

reminding me that
the patience i give
will give back to me in 
its own sweet time

probably without warning

in a sudden surprise
of what once was

and what could be again

if only things would
let go
