Thursday, August 30, 2012


if you can find
delight in one another

with the cold uncertainty
of the future
just on
the road ahead....

then you can
face anything

even death has no
when you are within the
smile of another....

touching hearts
one to another

waiting for
the awkward promise
of the oncoming days


Saturday, August 25, 2012


i don't want you perfect
i just want you real

i don't want you right
i just want you true

i don't want you to try
i just want you to be

and be... and be.. and be.....

be exactly who you are

and i will love you
the more for it

for the more
i learn about you
being you

the more i can learn
about me

being me


Thursday, August 23, 2012


i don't think
i've ever felt
this cherished before

when you hold me
to the light
i feel your gladness
all through your hugs

and when you
draw me near
to kiss me

i feel your body
relax and move
slowly forward

asking permission
to enter my world
with ever nuzzle
and squeeze

amazing me
with every mood
that you make

without even saying a word


Saturday, August 11, 2012

so right

that day
in the park

right before it rained?

you reached over
to touch my chin
with your fingertips

right before you kissed me

did you know
i felt the your heart
in your touch

right down to my very soul?

then the rain
interrupted our kiss
and we ran like children

right down the path to-gether

and frolicking
and giggling

all in a burst of sudden love

right down the line


Monday, August 6, 2012


i felt you
slip away
the moment i thought
i had you

i clutched
at the nothingness
night after night

trying to figure out
what was said
or what i thought

to make you
turn from me

and even now
i look
inside my heart

of what i was
and what i can't be

and what you saw
in me

those first few shining days
when i was perfect


Saturday, August 4, 2012


you're never
going to get me

it won't be your fault

the book hasn't been
to explain what i'm

the picture hasn't been
to show you what i

and there will be
when all i can do
to keep my

is walk away
from your
strong embrace

no matter how
you are

no matter how
you listen

i'm the one

who has to
understand me

before i can even
reach a hand out
to you

let me walk away

and i'll come back
just that much

even if
i'm deathly afraid
of each step
i take
