Friday, February 28, 2025


don't mean anything

loose teeth will come out
when they want to come out

sleeping deep
is more satisfying

keep that imagery away

don't underline
the carelessness 
of your dream self

whatever you did 
was in jest

strengthen the heart
that's beside yourself

don't dream the goodness away


why she broke up with me

well, first of all,
it's none of your business

i'm kidding
i know you're only asking 
because you care
and you've been nice to us
and stuff

so i guess i can tell you

at first
she told me not to hover so much

so i stood away

then she told me
i was too far away

so i moved closer

then she said that was too close 
and if i really knew her i'd be able
to measure just how far i was 
supposed to be from her 
at any given time

i told her 
i didn't know if i could know anyone
that good

then she cried
and turned away

and that ended it

it's stupid, huh?
after all this time of me 
walking across the street
to meet her
and walking back with her
to see her

and i never knew
i was close enough 
to the end 
of me and her

thanks for being my friend
but i can't talk about it


Friday, November 29, 2024

let him stay

make him stay
just a little bit longer

lingering in your prescence

he came all this way
to give you sustenance

let him bask in your essence

it's been far too long
since i've spoke tenderly
and i fear i show myself
in being so lenient

but let him stay, tho he be weary
let love be near, even for a moment
let me remember what it was back then

let him win
every once in awhile

(not always)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


put it in a ziploc
until it goes away

don't speak to anyone
until they all behave

don't listen to your heart
it always points away

put your life on pause
and simply walk away


Monday, July 29, 2024


remind me again
what to wear on my sleeve 

besides my heart 

teach me again 
how to nod and smile outside 

while my insides fall apart 

i. keep. forgetting.
what i have to be

in order to cope
with what i can see

balled up fists
in hidden pockets

should do the trick

there's no one 
more sick of me 
than me


Saturday, July 27, 2024

covert wedding poem

and nursing the part

the part that comes
from the heart

there's so much 
i want to say

to prove this is right
to show what is real

to learn from it all

what was 
supposed to happen 
happens now

may the child within you
may the sadness within me

may we both learn 
to hope

no matter what happens 
around us

surround us with peace
and love


that's all i think we need

today, anyway


cynical wedding poem

in the world of

and could-have-beens

we stand in repose
to the point of dozing

waiting to say our lines

do we mean it this time?

do we feel the weight
of the words?

do we understand 
what we stand here saying?

and does it all matter
